Call today: 702.543.1841

Incredible Before and After Results

You can see that the scores significantly went up after the first round of work that CIQ performed (65 days later). You will also notice that on the report pulled 03/2006 Experian's score is more than 100 points lower than the other two bureaus. There was a new late mortgage payment - which the bank reported to only Experian hence the ~100 point hit. It turns out that this late is incorrectly reported. It will be removed after the next round of work.

We have hundreds of success stories like this. Please come into our office and ask to see our CIQ Success Stories 700 club.

For more information, please visit us online or call us at (702) 543-1841.

Before (Pulled 12/2005)

After First Round of Work (Pulled 02/2006)