Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting,
get understanding.
Our CiQ Community & Faith Based Outreach team is passionate about helping people in their communities understand key principles to living a “financially smart” life by simply teaching them the How To.
The current economic times that many people are experiencing today is not the true plan for their lives. God wants us to live a life of abundance!
Many people are experiencing stress and financial pain, living pay check to pay check, with their credit cards at the limit.
Today, community and church leaders understand these uncertain times to be an incredible OPPORTUNITY to partner with each other with solutions to bring positive change to their communities.
The work that CiQ does will change people’s lives. It will bring them out of the darkness of financial distress and into the light of FREEDOM that God wants for every human being. It will help people see things financially that could have never been discovered on their own. When people are doing well financially they are free to give more and care more about other things.
Our team will teach you how to take control of your financial future, increase your income, reach your goals and live “financially smart” balanced lives.
Call us today to set up a free financial education workshop in your community, at your organization, or church!
Let us show you the path back to prosperity! Contact us today!
Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding;
Don't wait any longer! Contact us today.